Is Buying a House with Bad Credit Possible? backup

Buying a House with Bad Credit? If you’re tired of throwing away your hard-earned money on rent each month, you may be ready to buy a home of your own and begin building equity. Unfortunately, buying a home can be a challenge when you have bad credit. You may be plagued by mortgage denials and high-interest […]
How Long Do Things Stay On Your Credit Report?

Credit takes on a life of it’s own. In many ways, a credit report is a lot like a living thing: It grows and strengthens over time, and when something bad happens, it will eventually heal. The duration of that healing process depends on the severity of the damage. We’ll get into the uncomfortable nitty-gritty in a […]
The Ultimate Mortgage Glossary

The Ultimate Mortgage Glossary. Buying a house is a great way to plant roots, and a first step to financial growth. If you’re looking to buy a home, the first thing you’ll want to do is check your credit, since it’s going to play a huge role in your ability to get a mortgage. The […]
What Does FICO Stand For? What is a FICO Score?

Have you heard of the word “FICO”? This funny-sounding word is more important than you think when it comes to your Credit Score. The FICO credit score is a credit score developed by FICO. A company that specializes in what’s known as “predictive analytics,” which means they take information and analyze it to predict what’s […]
5 Steps to DYI Debt Reduction

DYI Debt Reduction. Everyone has debt, you are not alone. Let’s tackle the debt problem with five easy steps. The most common question that comes up when you find yourself in thousands of dollars of debt is simple — how do I actually reduce my debt? The challenge of debt reduction may seem impossible, but don’t […]
Divorce survival guide

Sometimes, things just don’t work out. It’s a mess, and your credit needs to be sorted out. Marriage can have a big impact on your credit history. While your individual credit reports still stand, if you combined accounts and borrowed money together after tying the knot, you also tied your credit ratings and wallets. If […]
What Is Credit & Why Is it So Important?

What Is Credit? How it Impacts Your Life Credit – It can be confusing. Creditly can help clear up your questions. Perhaps one of the most misunderstood and often frustrating things about the consumer credit industry is how your history affects so many aspects of your life. Some things have nothing to do with credit […]
What Happens To Your Credit When You Get Divorced?

What Happens To Your Credit When You Get Divorced? When couples file for divorce, credit, debit and shared accounts need special attention for the benefit of both parties. When spouses divorce, they not only have to figure out the finer details of living their lives separately, but they will also have to figure out their […] Review

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